Having a hard time establishing a rhythm and keeping track of projects?

Are you having a hard time establishing a rhythm? Do your days have so much going on that it’s hard to keep track of your own projects?

I totally understand.

I spend half the week at my daughter’s house watching a nine-month-old baby. And half the week back in my own household running my businesses.

It takes about a day once I get back home to ground myself, clean out the fridge, figure out what’s needed at home and continue with my work.

I also have as my top priorities my health, good nutrition and good exercise. So how is it possible to keep a few businesses going in the midst of all this change or turmoil? Choice of words is yours LOL.

There is a solution!!! The solution is priorities. I promise you that if you will set your priorities to no more than three a day you will see the tremendous amount of work that you can accomplish while still having plenty of time for your family.

Even when I am at my daughter’s house watching the baby, I set goals for myself of three easier priorities. It doesn’t mean that they all get done when she is fussy the majority of the time.

No, but some days are super easy and even if the whole day is not easy sometimes there are patches of time maybe 10 or 15 minutes long that I can work on things for my business.

Knowing the night before what these three things are that I’m working on makes it much easier for me to divvy up those projects into small bite-size pieces.

Related >>  Worried about Time and money challenges?

Try it out.

Sending you loads of light and love.



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