The Importance of Planning Ahead

Can you feel the change of season in the air? With autumn coming, I naturally turn to planning the coming year, but there’s more to planning than setting new year resolutions. Planning ahead whether we’re talking about time or money can make for a great year.

Planning ahead will make your future brighter!

What does planning ahead mean to you? Whether your first instinct is to think about money or time the principles behind it are similar and so are the benefits. With the new year ahead, you’ll want to plan ahead for your business and life.

When done right, planning can help you execute new projects, reach your goals and fulfill your vision. All while still having fun and enjoying life to the fullest.

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” – Alan Lakein

Time to make sure your projects, both personal and professional come to fruition, not someday, but when you want them to!

What are the benefits of planning ahead?

Less Stress

When you plan ahead your day, week and month, you’ll feel more in control of your day-to-day life. No more running around not knowing where to turn to!

And when it comes to money, planning ahead will allow you to feel safe and be ready for the unforeseen costs that will inevitably happen in your life.

Spending less… time and money!

Leaving things for the last minute can cost you! It can cost you time, money and most importantly your sanity! By planning ahead you’ll be able to take advantage of that time to get things cheaper or prepare properly for a change in your business, spending less time course correcting.

Related >>  How to set and operate within your priorities to live a life you truly want.

Stay in the moment

Planning ahead means you won’t have to worry about what will happen tomorrow or next week. You’ll be in charge of your own time and that means you’ll be able to spend more time in the moment (once you have your plan laid out that is).

Staying true to your word.

We’ve all done it. Missed a meeting, forgotten to send that email we had promised. When you create an effective plan for your life and business you’ll be able to stay accountable to your promises, no more missed meetings.

Prepare for the unexpected

Plan for the things you never plan for: the car repair, taxes, sick days. When you plan ahead for these unexpected events by saving the money, taking the time off to rest and including a clause in your contract for the unexpected you’ll feel safer in your day to day.

How to plan ahead:

What do you want to achieve and prepare for?

What is it that you’d like to achieve in the coming year? Where are you looking to stretch past your comfort zone?

Where do you need to be more proactive?

Sometimes a little planning can go along way! If you prepare for the challenges ahead then you won’t feel like you’re running around to catch up or fix something!

Be more Productive

I know this can seem strange, but planning ahead will make you be more productive in the day-to-day. Having a clear action will allow you to get more than in less time.

Time to Grow

You didn’t get into business to stay stuck doing the same thing every day. If you want to grow your business you’ll need time to plan for growth. Whether that means growing a team to support you or planning for new launches, products, and services.

Related >>  5 Steps for a Sound Retirement Plan

“A man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble at his door.” – Confucius

What will you be planning ahead for in the coming months? What are you gearing up for?
Looking for someone to support you in planning for the new year? Click here to schedule a call.

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