As I sit here almost at the end of my meditation and my cup of yummy warm green matcha tea powder mixed with raw cacao, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, vanilla, and a couple drops of cinnamon, I’m thinking about you and rest.
Not the kind of rest we get from a good night’s sleep where we close our eyes and drift off to dreamland, but the rest we need when we take a break from the busyness of life.
I know how stressed out you can be, I know that you want to make meaningful changes in your life, for yourself and your family, but you don’t know where to start.
I’m here amazing theo tell you that there is hope, and I will help you get started on the right foot towards liv of some inspiring life.
By reading just a couple articles each week look, or month that I write, you can learn simple steps that will lead you towards the life you have always dreamed of taking.
I don’t just write articles. I also take time to offer coaching sessions to my readers, looking for the support and guidance they need to make lasting changes in their lives.
How is it going for you? Has your week been as busy as mine?
With multiple projects in front of you where it feels like it’s nonstop? I’m giving you permission to stop with me right now before this beautiful weekend and just sit quietly and think about it.
What do you really want? Is it really frenetic constant activity? Or can we pause long enough together to look out on the beautiful fruit trees and the blossoms and the bees?
Implore yourself to stop. Even for a few moments.
Carve out those rest notes in your day when you are operating from a Zen-like place.
Create peace around you. Inside of you and know that this journey can seem like a long one at some points but that it really isn’t.
Stop. Embrace. Enjoy.
Sending you tons of light and love.